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Shipping & Delivery Policy

What are the delivery charges?

Delivery charges may apply on certain products/services and would be communicated at the time of order processing.

What are the estimated delivery times?

We deliver your order within 2-5 working days after dispatch in A-1 and A-2 Metros (New Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Bengaluru, Chennai, Pune, Ahmedabad and Hyderabad). For the rest of the cities, we deliver between 5-7 business days. Delivery by ground takes a little longer than air couriers. Ground-shipped orders are delivered to you between 5-7 business days post-dispatch. Deliveries to very remote locations may take up to 7 business days or longer, depending on the location’s geographical constraints.

For addresses outside India, shipping may take 5-15 business days.

On which days is delivery not available?

We don’t deliver on Public, national or bank holidays.

Are there any hidden charges such as Octroi or Sales Tax when I make the payment?

There are no such hidden charges when you buy any product from us. The price listed on our website are final and inclusive of all taxes.  The price you see on the product page are the final prices you pay.

Shipping charges may apply for addresses outside India – the same shall be communicated at the time of order processing.

Is it possible to request for change the delivery address at any point of time once the order has been placed?

Order has been placed but not dispatched.

Once the order has been placed but not dispatched that means we have received the confirmation and your order is in our warehouse where we are working to get it dispatched. So as your order is still not dispatched, you need to contact our customer service team on as soon as possible for the changes in the order. Please note for security reasons we will require you to answer few security questions before we can make any changes to your order.

Order has been placed and dispatched.

Once the order has been placed and dispatched, for we would be unable to redirect the order to the secondary delivery address. We apologise for any inconvenience caused and our policies are made to provide better shopping experience for all our customers.

If our shipper is unable to ship the order at your provided address then order is automatically returned to our warehouse and processed as return.  

For any further query write us on or call us on +91-9444087312

Product cannot be shipped to my area, why?

Although we ship to maximum places in different parts of India and we are continuously working on increasing our reach to make our products easily available to everyone in different locations. But whether the order can or cannot be delivered to your address also depends on:-

Whether our trusted delivery partner can deliver at your address. Legal Restrictions, if any, on shipping particular products to your location. The availability of reliable courier partner in your location.

I have placed an order, but may not be able to receive it due to unexpected circumstances. Can you hold the delivery until I can receive it?

If you placed order is not yet dispatched then please to contact our customer team on +91-9444087312 as soon as possible for the changes. Please note for security reasons we will require you to answer few security questions before we can make any changes to your order.

But if your order is already dispatched then we are sorry we won’t be able to hold your delivery.